La Joya Independent School District
September 7, 2023
La Joya, Texas
Job Type


Thank you for your interest in applying for the potential superintendent appointment in La Joya Independent School District (ISD).

Under the Texas Education Code, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Commissioner is given authority to appoint a superintendent in any district where a Board of Managers has been placed. Currently, the TEA Special Investigation Unit has issued a final report recommending the appointment of Board of Managers for La Joya ISD. However, before one can be appointed, due process under state law is afforded to La Joya ISD. First, the district’s school board exercised its right to appeal the TEA Special Investigation Unit’s recommendation that a Board of Managers be appointed, and that appeal was recently heard by an administrative law judge (ALJ) at a hearing. The ALJ will issue findings of fact and conclusions of law, and those findings and conclusions will be presented to the TEA Commissioner to make a final decision. Neither a Board of Managers nor a Superintendent can be appointed until after the Commissioner makes his final decision, and then only if the Commissioner determines that the ALJ’s findings support the replacement of the school board with a Board of Managers.

To ensure that TEA is prepared to support the school district should the Commissioner ultimately decide to appoint a Board of Managers, a process to recruit prospective superintendent candidates is being initiated. Please note that the Commissioner has not made a final decision and will evaluate the ALJ’s findings before issuing a final decision. For purposes of clarity: applicants for this role are not guaranteed that a superintendent will ultimately be appointed by the Commissioner.

La Joya ISD Superintendent Application Process
To express your interest in serving as the appointed superintendent of La Joya ISD, please complete this application, including essay questions, and attach your resume and a cover letter. The confidentiality of your application will be governed by applicable provisions of the Texas Government Code. TEA will evaluate all applications received and engage in an interview and selection process consistent with standard superintendent searches.

We appreciate your interest in serving the students of La Joya ISD.

Application Link for La Joya ISD »